Governor Nathan Deal announced that he will remove the GA 400 Toll by the end of
December 2013. The 50 cent collection toll planned to end in 2017, will now end
4 years earlier. He says it’s the earliest he can end the toll without paying a
penalty for early repayment of the bonds. The toll was supposed to end after 20
years in 2011, although during that year the state issued new bonds tied to the
toll revenue in order to pay for needed improvements in the GA 400 corridor. The
$40 million in new bonds were issued on December 1, 2010 and were planned to
fully develop on June 1, 2017. But at the 3 year mark, the state can repay the
bonds without penalty. The state says they need some time to plan for physically
bringing down the gates and the dramatic restructuring that will be needed in
the toll area. Deal says he now needs to work on long term solutions to
congestion in the 400 corridor. The Governors proposal required approval of the
State Road and Tollway Authority.
On Saturday, Republican Presidential candidate Herman Cain suspended his
campaign after 5 woman made sexual allegations against him. He said that the
allegations created a distraction and effected his ability to raise
funds. Though his Presidential Campaign has come to a conclusion, he
says it isn't over. Cain has created a website called It
is a website that gives the people a voice, "NOT" the media. He aslo said that
he will endorse a candidate soon and it will not be President Obama.
(ATLANTA, GA)--Former President Bill Clinton was awarded the Lifetime
Achievement Award by the 2011 National Charter Schools Conference. According to
the conference, the award recognizes Clinton's support for Public Charter
Schools for more than 20 years. Clinton said the journey began in 1992, when he
began fundraising for charter schools without the help of the federal
government. The NAPCS is a Nonprofit Organization committed to advancing Public
Charter Schools. The 20th Anniversary will be held in Minneapolis, Minnesota in
(BUCKHEAD, GA)--Ben Barnanke, Federal Reserve Chairman, spoke to the
International Monetary Conference at the Ritz-Carlton Hotel. "U.S. Economic
Growth so far this year looks to have been somewhat slower than expected",
Bernanke told the conference . He also said inflation is becoming ingrained in
our economy, increases in products, such as gasoline account for so much of the
overall increase in inflation. The International Monetary Conference is a
private organization that permits its members and guests informal discussions,
concerning the the International Banking and Monetary System. Edited by Veronica